Episode #: 12
Episode 12: With Intuitive Channel Kir Grace
In This Episode:
In this episode, Kir Grace shares her spiritual journey as a lifelong intuitive, as well as someone who prioritizes her mental health. We dive into the stigma around anti-anxiety and depression medication in the spiritual community, and spiritual rules and teachings that disregard the human experience. We discuss the nuances of being culturally sensitive when trying and adopting different spiritual practices.
Kir’s psychic realizations started in childhood and have continued to evolve and guide her personal growth. She has been working professionally with clients for the last 6 years and has studied and been teaching kundalini yoga for over a decade. She has found one truth to her lifelong spiritual journey: there are no rules. She firmly believes we all have been gifted with a unique soul blueprint meant to be expressed through emotion and the human experience.
Find Kir on IG @kirgrace_ and take her quiz to find out if you are a Starseed.